Laura & Fer
“With love from Shangai” It could be the name of our new post.
I don`t know if i have written about the mails wich we receive everyday in Romeos y Julietas `s mail box: we feel something like a tickling, allways get butterflies in the stomach…
You could call it like you want but… there are mails wich give us different emotions, something who scream inside: ¡This is a great! ¡Lets live it!
This is the emotion of 27th december, those mail wich travel throught the wer from Shangai to Valencia.
A few days after this mail, we have the chance to have a virtual meeting with Laura and Fer. We should confess: We fall in love with them since first minute! An their wedding Project ideas… The best!
Their wedding would be so close: family and friends were about t olive an unic weekend.
Laura and Fer minded to all the details and they wanted to pomper their friends but… Laura and Fer and Romeos y Julietas were planning some surprise to the guests!
They wished a wedding near the sea, in an island.Their first option was: Ibiza. Although they don’ t dismiss another of our wonderful Balears Islands, finally Formentera was the islan where was all the wishes for this “ Destination Wedding”
We started with perfect Hotel, ferry tickets, buses… And all we nedd to celebrate a familiar wedding. But it was no so easy! It seems easy, but… isn`t it!
In Romeos y Julietas we have a theory wich says that Formenteranos are so similar with Caribeans: – Keep Calm ladies and gentleman!
We sent the invitations: it was a document casewith all the details of the weekend, friday “Meeting point”, “Dress code, Ibiza Style”, a saturday timeline and a Ferry boarding ticket with the name of each guest. In addition, there was an evelope, with the same invitation`s design, with a suitcase tag with the wedding #hastag #LaurayFer17jun17 and a quote: Keep calm and feel the weekend!!
All the guest was invited a wedding in Ibiza. Formentera was “Top Secret” until friday 16th of june at 15:00 h.
Romeos y Julietas Team arrived to Formentera the day before. We had lot of work to make… and we love t olive everything with them!
We came back to the Hotel to check with Laura and fer everything. We prepared in each room a goodie bag “Dear Formentera” the perfect kit to the weekend: sunscreen, facial mask, a guide “What to do in Formentera” wich was designed by the couple, caps-ears, eye-mask to protect the eyes of the sun, a cndle with a message, and a regret: everything wich happen in the wedding… it stays in the wedding, a mini bottle with Fiji Water, a nice ceramic minibottle with Ibiza salt, some sweets… When we said that Laura and Fer wanted that each of their guest was so confortable and pompered… it wasn’t a joke!!
To visit Blue Bar, tha place where they prepared a peck to meeting. We think that those thursday , including a bath in crystaline sea, was a super important day.
At least we could see and hug to our Laura and Fer; until the day, we have been talking throught mail, we have seeing with Facetime, we was using WeChat with cool stickers to express our emotions… But there is nothing like to feel the, face to face.
After a delicious dinner, to think some “suspiciuous idea” and to check everything we go to sleep, the next day will be so emotional.
And… Friday.
At 14:00 h left our Ferry to Ibiza with Paula G. Furió, a TOP photographer , and Micrea, videographers. All the team went to the Meeting Point with the invitees. They didn’t know what it would happen…
We arrived to the Coffee wich we have the meeting and screaming we introduced us as “Romeos y Julietas, wedding planner of Valencia”. Witch Laura and Fer we decided to make a joke to our invitees: we said that the couple want to celebrate their wedding in Ibiza but…. It was imposible! For this reason, they have to make their bagage because the ferry to Valencia was waiting for us.
Their faces was incredible! I remember Fer uncle`s saying: – I have to call my daugther! She will arrive tomorrow!! “ She has to know that she has to be in Valenciaaaaaa!”
Just a step of the ferry, we stopped the group and make a meeting:- We have two options: take the Ferry to Valencia or to Formentera. – We said.
The answer was… FORMENTERA!!!
Living the travel, finally we was in Formentera. The buses was o.k. to carry the guest to the hotel and we advertised that at 19:00 h in Blue Bar will have prepared new surprises and sensations…
It was so emotional to see how Laura and Fer statrted the meeting with their family and friends. Maybe, To live in Shangai makes that they dont feel so close with the others. It was the momento when we understand the reason way they keep going in: –We want a casual, relaxed wedding where we can enjoy of them every time… – Laura and Fer said.
Fer, on friday prepared a surprised to Laura. He was helped by Edu, Laura’s brother. Sara Escudero, a famous comedian who is family friend, arrived to Blue Bar full of art and fresh air. There was lot of laugh moments… She is a crack!
Afterward the reencounter sunrised a hottie day in the Island.We wake up early with Taller de Clo Staff, began the assembly in Geko Beach. All the lovely things wich was carried in our van from Valencia was taking form.We made an arc with clusters and feathers, wild flowers and proteas. The colours as yellow, White, pink and, in the background, turquoise blue of the sea…
In the ceremony aisel we selected cristal bottles with the same flowers of the arc and eucaliptus mixing Green and yellow limbs for the chairs.
While in the Paraíso de los Pinos, Laura and Fer begin all the final preparations. The momento is near… the guest are arriving to the ceremony and the are wearing straw hats and indian necklaces, carry from India only for them. All the woman taking paper umbrellas and bambú pai-pai. It was an oriental touch! Typical of Laura and Fer!
Only a minute…
Two priests officiated the wedding, Viera and Pelayo, brothers of Laura and Fer.
The Ceremony began. What a ceremony!!!
Everyone who was in the ceremony made feel us so emotional and to know much better that lovely couple. But, their discuss, the words wich both write each other… It was so special.
Fer, we feel astonish. Believe in me, we lived lot of moments like this each weekend but, this ceremony forever will be in remember. Laura, your words was… WOW!
This is, this is Love that we understand and we are so happy to feel your love.
My favourite quote was: “ I dont want you belong to me, i love you with me”
The wedding ring holder was a big White seashell with sand who Maribel, Lauras mother, brought from her favourite beach in A Coruña.
Afterall the ceremony, who robbed us the breath, we passed to the toast. A toast with all in these wood footbridge opened to sea.
The food stands filled of colours all the party. Laura and Fer, as we have said, wanted a casual wedding and full of Little stands like a fair where all the wedding guests coul be together with they wanted. Although there was tables and chill-outs to relax, the food was served in buffets. Stands with excellent snacks and bites that Laura and Fer missed them in Shangai: Madrid stand and A Coruña stand, wich was the symbol of their natal cities, and other as Amsterdam and Shangai in representation of their past and present time.
There we seected a place to a corner with details from some of theiir travels: pockets and scarfs from Vietnam, bookmarks from Shanghai…
As well as the Photo Bus in a restiling turquoise Volkswagen van… They passed amazing moments!
With the sunset, near the swimming pool began the party wich last until midnight.
Festival lights, fritters with chocolat and high music were the perfect ingredients to say goodbye to “Dear Formentera”
To summarize this weekend… it isn’t easy.
I hope that the pics and the video make you feel a little bit what we felt then.
I can’t say goodbye without express my gatitude to all my travel comrades: El taller de Clo, Paula y Andreu, Daniel y Julián de Micrea… Thank u so much!! Marta, Gecko Beach Hotel Boss, tan u for make our visit a pleasure and work with us like if we work everyday together. Really, thanks. Wedding guests, family of “Dear Formentera”… you are incredible!. We felt like one of them, you treat us with care and effection: OLE for you!!
Laura, Fer… We dont know how say what we feel!!! Thank u for choose us, thank u for make we felt part of your Big Day, thank u because we feel loved , thank you for share with us your secrets, travels, and emotions, your honey moon….
Shanghai never give us this nearly sensation.
We hope your happiness.
We love you!